

Hallo! I am Ayako N. Nice to meet you. I live in Kumamoto. I am nineteen years old. My birthday is December 26.
My family is a mother, a father, two younger sister, a grandpa, a grandma, and two cats. They are very cute. I heard that you have a dog. I like dog too.
I am working part- time as a waitress in a broiled meat restaurant. Now, it is cold in Japan. Is it cold in America?
I want to learn America's cultures and history. I like Hollywood movies. I often go to see movie.
When I was a junior high school student and a high school student, I belonged to judo club. I heard that you belonged to American football club. I like American football. American football is very bold and interesting. It is so cool.
I heard that you are a farm owner. I want to try to work form. By the way, I heard that America's hamburgers are very big. I want to eat it.


Book Review 1-2

I read a book " The New Guitar." The main character is very obstinate, because he bought new guiter without refering to his father and friend's comments. I think he wanted it very much. I am a careful buyer. I always hesitate about buying something. He enjoyed playing new guiter. But, the guiter broke. I think he is very miserable. He tried to repair it. But, it was more broke and the floor was dirty. I think he should have take his guiter to service station.