Located on the Italian Penisula, a long body of land that juts out from Southern Europe, Italy is famous for its shape, which is like a boot in which the toe points to the island of Sicily, located in the center of the Mediterraean Sea. Italy extends from the Alps mountain range in the north to the Meditteraean sea in the south and is 1,185 kilometers in length.
Italy is often divided into three major regions, North, Central and South. North Italy extends from the Alps in the north to Emilia-Romagna, which is state and includes modern cities such as Milano and Torino, and state capital is Bologna.
South Italy extends from Abruzzo, which is state and state capital is L'Aquila, to Calabria, which is state south of Napoli.
Central Italy is between north and south Italy, includes modern cities such as Rome and Florence. (145words)
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