Our first prime minister is Hirobumi Ito. He was born in 1841 in Yamaguche. When he was child, he was poor. He learned in Syouka Sonzyuku. And he joined the campaign for overthrowing Tokugawa government. And they overthrew the Tokugawa government. After the Meiji Restoration, he became first prime minister. When he is 31 years old, he spoke in California. The speech was called ‘Rising Sun.’ And He was killed in Harbin in 1909.
I am interested in this speech. I introduce the speech.
Rising Sun
"The red disc in the centre of our national flag shall no longer appear like a wafer over a sealed empire, but henceforth be in fact what it is designed to be, the noble emblem of the rising sun, moving onward and upward amid the enlightened nations of the world."
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