
Book Review 10

I read a book ‘Ice on Earth.’ The book showed me some kind of ice on earth. Earth was covered by different things; grass, rock, water. Some of this water is in the form of ice. There are different kinds of ice on Earth. There are ice sheets, ice caps, ice shelves, icebergs and sea ice. Ice sheets are the biggest kind of ice form on Earth. Ice sheets cover areas bigger than 50000 square kilometers. The biggest ice sheet on Earth covers Antarctica. Ice caps are like ice sheets. But ice caps are smaller than 50000 square kilometers. Ice shelves are very big of ices that are on land and on water. The Ross Ice Shelf in Antarctica is the biggest ice shelf on Earth. The Ross Ice Shelf is bigger than 500000 square kilometers. Icebergs are big lumps of ice that float in sea. Sea ice is ice that forms on sea water. The book showed me their pictures. I feel cold. But the ices and the scenes are very beautiful. The ices are very big. I was surprised. And Antarctica’s sky is very clear. I think Earth is very beautiful and great. I was born in Kumamoto. And I live here now. Kumamoto doesn’t have a lot of snow. Aso in Kumamoto has a lot of snow. But areas I live in Kumamoto don’t have a lot of snow. But few days ago, when I got up, it is a lot of snow. I was exciting and I slipped. The pictures on the book are very beautiful. But there is problem. It is global warming. Global warming melts the ices. This is very serious problems. We live on Earth. Earth is very beautiful. We must protect our Earth. I don’t like cold. But I want to visit Antarctica someday.(302words)

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